Affiliated Companies

Ready to Ride

We have a network of affiliated companies serving every corner of the continental United States, even the major cities around the world.

We use our affiliates around the country who we have personally vetted and are certified and insured; we conduct background checks, drug testing and safety training are mandatory. We also check for proper licensing and insurances and full regulatory compliance.

We only partner with the best companies in the industry, big or small. At US Limo Connect, we recognize the hard earned efforts of the small operators who provide the same distinguished service around the country. Our network has access to shared services, bookkeeping services and vendor referrals.

For affiliates interested in joining our select network, contact us at (877) 977-9680.

Little silver car riding over paper map of the United States.


Bonded Company – D Executive Certification (Non Armed) – G Executive Certification (Armed) – Pepper Spray Certified – Baton Certified